Be Strong in the Lord

Be Strong in the Lord

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Calling all warriors!

I am deeply passionate about helping hurting women find healing. Since I know exactly what they are going through and what they are experiencing and have found myself on the other side of that hurt I want them to experience this too. When I am given the opportunity to invest in a woman's life to mentor & challenge her to live her life fully,I can only do that. I invest, love and mentor these women in the hopes that they too will embrace healing and find out what freedom looks like. Let me tell you the journey sometimes is almost harder than the original abuse or past that you suffered but well worth fighting for! It is not easy. It hurts even more. But once you walk thorough the fire and face your past and the hurts that control who you are today then you will find a peace that you will want more of. Here's the thing though, I can only show the way. Give advice and encourage change. Ultimately the choice is there's. I am the only one who sat in that counselors office, the one who read all those books, the one who was on my knees and the one who ran to church when the doors where open. No one could help me if I didn't want to help myself. Addiction and
codependency we're my daily companions but I can say they no longer hold me captive! I had to stop blaming others, take responsibility and seek help to find my new life in freedom. You can find yours too but it's not for the faint at heart. It will take a warrior to fight this battle and giving up isn't an option. I know countless women will read this today that are addicted to drugs, pornography, codependency, alcoholism, women who are being beaten, women in the sex industry and women with severe self esteem issues. Please open the door to freedom today, she is waiting for you with open arms and repays you with a life that you could only imagine. You are the one who holds the key to that door though, so stand up, shake off the dust and get your key and open the door.