Be Strong in the Lord

Be Strong in the Lord

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I didn't fall, I fell.

Go. My heart was beating faster than usual as I stepped up on the step stool and took my right leg and kicked it up over this handsome gentle horse. It had been at least 20 yrs since this body had felt the stirrups in my feet and the reins in my hands. I felt a little taller and breathed a breath of relief knowing I was on him. I took in the scenery, smelling the fresh rain misting in the air and listening to the birds singing in the old oak trees. My heart was full as I gently guided my new horse around the arena. I walked in complete peace and soaked in the gift of pleasure to be doing something I thought I could never do again. A back injury kept me away from the things I loved in life and the joy that I experienced that day will never be taken away from me. I am grateful that not only did I not fall off the horse that day but I fell into the gratefulness of the grace of the Lord for giving me back something I thought I had lost. Stop.


Lisa Michelle said...

Here's the link to the blog!!

Lisa Michelle said...

Want to join or just want to know what Five Minute Friday is all about? Head over to Lisa Jo's blog and find out :) And while you're there, be sure to visit & leave some comment love (no lurking!) for the other bloggers who linked up!

Elizabeth@Pray, Love, Learn said...

Thank you for sharing your FMF post! I'm happy for you that you were able to go horseback riding after so many years. Your gratefulness was very encouraging.

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful. I'm so glad you got back up.

Positively Alene said...

Oh my -- now you have me missing horses and riding. I grew up doing just that -- loved every minute of it. Married a military man and we moved around for 20 years -- finally the horses fell by the wayside. But oh how I long to ride and be free feeling the wind on my face. And yep - I've done my fair share of falling off horses.

Unknown said...

It's such a gift when something we think is lost to us forever is restored. Yay! Thanks for sharing; makes me want to dig into my past and pull out one of my old adventures and give it a try again!

Traci Michele said...


Visiting from FMF.

Love, Traci Michele @ Ordinary Inspirations