Be Strong in the Lord

Be Strong in the Lord

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Do you struggle with self doubt?

Have you ever struggled with self doubt? Asking yourself, have I made the right decision, am I doing what I am designed for, did I make the right choice this time? Well that is exactly where I am at right now. Thoughts come flooding in and won't leave me alone. So I am forced to look at this topic and see what it is that has brought this on and find my lesson in it. Self doubt is nothing more than not having confidence in ourselves. Confidence in the choices you make or confidence in your ability.
My struggles recently came from a business decision I made. I kept questioning myself that maybe I made the wrong choice or it was the wrong timing. I asked myself if I was doing the right thing. Basically when you don't have anyone cheering you on and it's been quite around, you begin to second guess your moves. It's in the quite times though where you really have to find your faith and remember the big picture. Here's a quote from Matthew Barnett "Your dream might plateau for awhile in order for you to learn the inward lessons needed to rise again. I love this,this is exactly what we need when were in the mindset of self doubt. Everything that happens is according to Gods timing so we have to remember He is in control and it's Him making the next move and in the meantime we can look at what inward lessons He might be teaching us. For me, I needed a reminder that He is the one calling the shots, not the business women who thinks she is making it all happen. I need to take a step back and ask, what's next Father? And it was a good reminder that He is the CEO of my company and I must be very sensitive to where He wants me to go and why.
So next time self doubt starts to creep into your mind , ask yourself what inward lessons do I need to learn right now? Get your mind off yourself and focus on God and He will lead you into a confidence that will out shine everything. Not in yourself but in Him!

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