Be Strong in the Lord

Be Strong in the Lord

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Father's Love "Strip Club Outreach"

Here's a story of one night on our Strip club outreach! Thank you to all of you who make cupcakes, pray & help us!! As my hand hit the door, I slowly opened it to the sound of chatter, heavy metal music, and a strong smell of smoke, perfume & despair. On the surface it looked like one big party was going on. Everyone was happy, having fun, and living it up. My steps led me into the back of the club, and I arrived at my destination for the night. A dressing room. Not any dressing room. This one had all of Gods princesses in it! Yes, you heard me right. These are the women of night. The dancers, strippers, sex workers, whatever you want them to be for the night. They do it all. They are good at their jobs because when you talk with them,the girls are so happy,the money is flowing,and they are seeing their dreams starting to become a reality. It won't be long before they can return to their former life, their normal life. No one will ever know the things they did to get that degree, to raise that child, to pay the rent, to start that business. No, this will be their little secret, and it will be tucked away so deep that no one will break down the walls to ever find out how they really survived in their circumstances. Not until we walk in. We ask the questions that pull on their heart strings. We dig deep and find out who they are. Ask questions to get to know them. Become a friend, a mentor and a positive voice in their life. We look at the root, not the fruit, of their life, and continue on in our relationships this way. We remind ourselves that it's not our job to judge their lives, but to be a light and a Godly influence, to draw them closer to a God that is waiting for His princess to arrive. The Bridegroom is patient, a gentleman, a lover of her soul. He uses us to love on the girls and to show them how valued they are. Soon they sense a deeper and more profound relationship and begin to ask questions. Some come to church, have coffee, attend events with us. Just knowing we gave them another option is so rewarding because then we know they aren't left with the only option they once knew. Darkness. So I sit down and start to watch a young girl do her makeup. I ask questions about what kind she's using and make small chat. I grab a cupcake from the goodies we brought in and ask if she'd like one. Red Velvet I say, just for you! She stopped doing her makeup and looked at me. I asked her, "have you heard of us or seen us in here?" "No,why are you here, she responded?" Well, we want you to know that you are cared for and not forgotten..... and honestly, I don't remember the rest, it was God's words and not mine. He took over and spoke right into this woman's heart. Tears began to pour our of her eyes and you could visibly see she was shaken by the words that were spoken! She ripped off her false eyelashes and ran into the bathroom and went into a stall and bawled her head off. I sat there overwhelmed by what God was doing, and tried so hard to hold in my emotional anguish for this young girl. I felt her pain, I knew what she was going through, and it broke my heart to see her hurting! She composed herself, walked back into the room, and embraced me with a hug. Then she cried some more on my shoulder. Tears flowed all over my arm and my shirt. She was overwhelmed, and didn't realize she had just encountered her Father's love! She sat down and began to share her story. Her boyfriend was beating her and she didn't know what to do. She said her grandpa was sick, and she was in town to visit him and if he hadn't been sick she would of never met me. She began to realize that it was no accident that we met, and was incredibly grateful for this encounter. This is the Fathers love, He knows what the girls need to hear, He knows their needs , He knows what it takes to draw them closer to Him. I love love love watching my Daddy do His work and use me in a way I never even dreamed of. This story is only one of many I have encountered, and there are many woman out there every week doing this exact same outreach. So many ask what I do when I go into the clubs, so I wanted to share one of my stories. As we left the club that night, I walked out into the parking lot with my wet sleeve and the tears still fresh on my arm. I touched them and asked God to dry up His little girls eyes and change her life. I was wishing I could keep them on my arm to remind me of how God moves and loves these women more than we'll ever know. And if we allow God to use us and step out in faith He will do amazing things! Oh and by the way the room didn't smell like smoke anymore, there was new song playing and HOPE filled the room!!

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